Monday, October 24, 2011

Criteria for Reviews and General Review Outline

I suppose the first post that should be made regarding reviews specifically should be the criteria I plan to use when rating any particular piece of work.

Overall Plot
Complexity of Plot
Character Development
Symbolism (if any)

For each book review I will give a summery of the plot. I will try my hardest to not give everything away about what happened in a particular work. Once I have given a short plot synopsis I will then address the three points I plan to use to rate the work. Having done that, I plan to talk about any sort of symbolism a work may contain, assuming I found any, and how effective it is. After I have done that I will give a recommendation as to whether or not the book is worth a read or a pass. At the same time I will give some idea as to whether or not the book is good for reading anywhere, or if the reader will need to be able to focus closer on the overall work to be able to get the full enjoyment out of it.

Art. (while what makes a piece of art good or bad is subjective I will be rating this based solely on whether the art conveys what it is meant to in an easy to follow manor. However, I do plan to give my personal opinion on the aesthetics of the art itself.)
Character Development

Much like the review of a book, I will give a brief plot summary. Upon finishing the summary I will then discuss the three points I am rating the work on. Finally I will give a recommendation as to whether a comic is worth a look.

Character Development
Overall Enjoyment

Similarly to the book and comic reviews I will give a plot summary of the movie. Following that I will discuss the points on which I am rating the movie on. Finally I will give a recommendation, as well as let the reader know whether or not the movie is the type of movie where they can simply turn their brains off and enjoy, or if they will need to pay close attention to the work so as to get the most enjoyment out of it.

That is all for now,
GhostWolfer signing out.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

A Simple Statement of Intent

This being the first blog post I make, I've decided to make a sort of statement of intent as to what i created this blog and what I plan to do with this blog.

First of all, let's talk about the name I chose for this blog. I tried to think of something catchy, the first few names I thought of were "Reading Wolfbow" a rip off of A Reading Rainbow and the other was "WolfBone" an obvious rip off of Wishbone. Nether of those names really sat well with me, so I settled on what we have now "GhostWolfer Reviews" a sort of take on the ghostwriter idea. If any of the readers I have hadn't noticed, I like wolves, though that likely will not have any effect on what I review or read or anything like that.

Now, down to what I plan to do. I want to use this blog to review things... as if the title was not obvious enough. However, what I plan to do is review mostly books. Though from time to time i will review the odd movie or album, or maybe even a run of a comic. When it comes to the books I plan to review I intend to review mostly science fiction. This is mostly due to it being my favorite genre to read, and the one I know the most about. These reviews will either be of new books I just picked up, books that have been suggested to me, or books I have read before.

If the book I review is something I read before and am rereading I plan to give some sort of an idea as to the mindset i had when I first read the book, as well as how the book stands up to how I view the world now.

That is all for now,
GhostWolfer signing out.